Climate action unites European Schools under one cause

By the 13 Stars Editorial Board.

On the 14th of February 2020 at every European, school pupils rally to protest for one cause. Cutting the emissions of each Very Highly Developed Country by a certain percentage, from 11-14% depending on the country. This protest was orchestrated by the CoSup.


The Action at EEB1 was attended by around 30 students from S6-7; they went from the Bois de La Cambre up to the Chausse de Waterloo highway. Due to difficulties in reaching the final venue of the Action, younger students could not participate in the march itself. This, however, didn’t stop them from contributing to the cause by posting pictures of them and their posters on social media and thus helping in their own way.


Together, EEB2 and EEB4 joined forces at the Place Du Luxembourg with a total of over 110 students present. Again, due to the venue being outside the schools’ campuses, only S6-7 pupils could attend. They all plead for a reduction of 11%/13% of emissions in Belgium. In EEB2, additional to the march, students also organized a bake sale to raise money for the cut11percent project.


On the 14th of Feb, EEB3 put aside St. Valentine’s day and had around 20 students representing it in front of the EU Commission’s Headquarter building, Berlaymont.

Alicante (110 students present)

Bergen (90 students present)

Frankfurt (130 students present)

Karlsruhe (90 students present)

LUX1 (140 students present)

Mol (120 students present)

Varese (200 students present)

This protest is a symbol of European spirit showing what the students of these schools can do if they work together. The effect the action on the 14th will be very powerful combined with the actions of all 13 European Schools. There are already discussions about future protests, such as taking a picture with cut 11% banners with the whole school community in front of the administration’s building.

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