Statue of Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang

Crash Course: North Korea

North Korea: a country so isolated we barely know anything about it. Contrary to popular belief, it is actually possible to visit North Korea as a tourist! Whether you want to make a visit or not, Hanna Petöcz’s article teaches you about various systems and regulations in place in this authoritarian country, as well as information to keep in mind in case you do ever plan a visit.

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Should European Schools be open during the pandemic?

By Silvia Andreoletti, ESF . The Covid-19 pandemic has been undoubtedly the most impactful, ongoing event of the year 2020, influencing every aspect of our lives. In most parts of Europe, the crisis seemed over by late spring, but with rumors of a second wave coming and the beginning of school inching closer, is returning to business as usual really the best course of action?

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