As is enshrined in the Convention Defining the Statute of the European Schools (1994) and General Rules of the European Schools , secondary pupils have a right to representation.  

EEB4’s Comité des Eleves (CdE), or Pupils’ Committee, is the democratically elected representative body of the secondary pupils. Our mission is to represent the concerns and interests of the pupils in our official capacities and to initiate projects on their behalf.  

Election Procedures of the Pupils’ Representatives within the European School System 

Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools  

Please see the following links: 

Organisation chart 

Implementing Rules 

Semi Annual Report 2021

Our emails: 

[email protected] 

[email protected]

Our social media: EEB4 CdE Instagram account 

EEB4 website   

APEEE website    

CDE Website (Coming soon) 

CDE Shop