Behind the Iron Curtain

“When I was your age”. This is probably the most often used phrase by parents when giving a lecture. We all know that our parents grew up in a different generation, but could the world have been that much of a different place only a few decades ago? For the millions of Europeans that grew up behind the iron curtain, it was.

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Surrealism: a revolution against the ordinary

I think we all know the famous painting that reads “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” by Magritte, but do you know what art movement it belongs to? Surrealism, built to help people cope with the horrifying reality of their daily lives, joined together the real world, and the obscure world of dreams. Let’s dive into the history of this artistic revolution, that literally reached beyond reality

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L’apprentissage d’une langue : outil d’inclusion sociale ou symbole de résignation

L’acquisition de compétences linguistiques est bénéfique pour l’amélioration de nos capacités cognitives, notre compréhension du monde et reflèterait même l’adaptation de notre cerveau à notre environnement. Mais lorsque l’apprentissage est imposé par des circonstances au lieu d’être voulu, rendu presque obligatoire à cause d’une migration forcée, les efforts à fournir pour assimiler ces compétences paraissent surréalistes pour ceux qui doivent les acquérir. 

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Lazy? Or Just Really Good at Procrastinating?

We’ve all been there before. That time when you were given an important assignment with a deadline in a few weeks. At first, the deadline seems so far out of reach that you decide to postpone the work for a few days and busy yourself with other tasks. Soon those days turn into a week and you realise you have no more time left for your project. So, you open another can of coke and finally start that task, trying not to feel guilty about how much you have postponed it, while racing against the clock to get it done.

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