The Hunger Games

This article by Anda Purina discusses the cultural impact of Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games” trilogy, highlighting its popularity and the deeper themes it explores such as wealth inequality, colonialism, and political commentary. It emphasizes that the series is more than just a young adult love story and encourages readers to delve into its themes for a better understanding of the narrative.

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My experience in Ecuador

Join Hanna Petocz on her enthralling journey to Ecuador, where she shares her captivating experience of the country’s climate, abundant nature, delectable food, local customs, and overall impression. From lush green landscapes to exotic fruits and unique cultural practices, her firsthand account offers a glimpse into the charm and allure of this South American gem.

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Nuclear Energy is the Future

In this article by Margarida Veríssimo, nuclear energy is discussed as a viable and clean energy solution, despite its negative public image. Veríssimo criticizes other renewable energy sources like solar and wind for their limitations and negative environmental impacts. She addresses concerns about nuclear disasters and waste, emphasizing their rarity and safety measures. Veríssimo attributes the negative perception of nuclear energy to marketing and misinformation from fossil fuel companies. The article concludes by encouraging readers to educate themselves about nuclear energy and provides resources for further exploration.

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